Most of us have, at one time or another in our life, assuredly heard of the term perfumista. However, we have also wondered to ourselves just what the term meant. Depending on the source, to what most individuals think the word signifies. Some see it as the individual who produces the perfume. In contrast, others feel the definition is primarily that of a perfume lover—or a perfume enthusiast, if you will—the individual who actually makes use of the fragrance.
There are many individuals out there that, even if they do not realize it, are perfumistas in the making. They just do not use the term. We have all seen them in our favorite store, at the perfume counter, trying on several fragrances and scents. Typically, a perfumista has never seen a fragrance or scent that they didn’t like or didn’t in some manner appeal to their fundamental nature.
Most individuals, when they begin their relationship with perfume, typically all go through several stages. The stages may present differently, or even slightly different order for some, but as a rule, they are most all the same. Let’s take a look at them now.
Stage One: Developing an Interest
This stage is the phase most people, whether they are or become a perfumista, will move through at one point in their lives—either male or female. In this stage, the individual usually owns a few bottles of their favorite scent even if they are do not buy it that often.
They are the ones you see walking through the store, stopping periodically to check out the fragrances on the perfume counter, having tried some of the classic, more popular standby fragrances.
The individual is open to complimenting family, friends, and co-workers on the fragrance they are wearing and how it works to compliment them.
In this stage, the individual is developing a love for fragrances and hopes to one day find their signature scent.
Stage Two: The Mania Begins
Without you even realizing it, a switch in your mind will flip, and you find yourself wanting to know more about the different scents available and if they will work with your body’s chemistry.
This increased interest may have been brought on by something as simple as having discovered a scent while walking by the fragrance counter that reached out and spoke to you on a personal level.
Whatever the trigger was, you find that you are now on a mission to learn all you can about the fragrances and scents available to you.
You have gotten to that point where you will never again refer in a derogatory manner towards any fragrance or scent, such as “perfumey” or “old lady-ish,” as you have a whole new respect for fragrances.
At this stage, you are on somewhat of an exploratory mission—trying as many fragrances and scents as possible—all in the name of learning what you do and do not like.
Some use this stage as a means of discovering their signature scent. However, it should be used more as a means of learning what is out there, and what might work for you.
You will eventually discover your signature scent. However, you do not have to be in a rush—enjoy the journey in your discovery.
Stage Three: Feeding Your Perfume Cravings
This stage is where you can instantly identify a fragrance by its bottle or list a fragrance line off the top of your head, you are reading every fragrance-based blog you can find, and you are swapping samples with fellow permistas to feed your perfume cravings.
At this point, it is essential to remember that your bank account could become a victim of your cravings—which can present in a dangerous manner—in that you will be purchasing samples or even full bottles of fragrances you have not had the chance to smell beforehand.
After a few months or even a year, you will find yourself standing back and taking notice that even though each individual fragrance wasn’t that expensive, over time, they can collectively end up equaling the cost of a payment on your mortgage.
On the other hand, with your vast collection of fragrances, you are becoming more adept at smelling several similar fragrances and being able to differentiate the slight undertones that serve to make each scent unique.
You have established what tones and fragrances work for you and your chemistry, as well as those you need to stay away from. You have also learned those scents that, at one time, you steered clear of but now find are scents that are complimentary for you.
Stage Four: Perfumista
You have put in the time, and the work and have now been able to whittle down your perfume choices to the fragrance that not only compliments but speaks to you.
You find that scents you previously thought were complimentary are now being swapped out for those that are much more in line with your body chemistry—learning that admiring something is one thing, but living day to day with it is something else entirely.
You still enjoy any opportunity to smell scents and will stop to do so at any fragrance counter. But in the same vein, you are no longer in a frantic hurry to possess a sample of the newest and latest scent to hit the market.
You have learned that you can be patient and work to your own timeframe, as when you are ready, that sample will still be there waiting for you.
You still like to read the opinions of critics and other users, but you have also learned to trust your own opinion in deciding.
A signature scent is not part of your repertoire, as you are not one to wear the same scent day after day. Your scents are like your wardrobe, and as such, will change day to day and will reflect and speak to who you are and how you feel.
It’s no longer about the perfume—it is about the scent—that makes one a perfumista. In time, you will find that your sense of smell will take on new nuisances throughout other areas of your life. The scent of falling rain, the fragrance of fresh-cut grass—these will take on a whole unique olfactory experience than it once did
Becoming a perfumista is somewhat of an evolution of your sense of smell, and the journey towards achieving this sense is much more essential and enjoyable than the destination.
We here at Scentbox can help you with your journey. Through the advantage of a monthly subscription, you will have the opportunity to sample a wide range of sought-after premium designer scents without breaking the bank. You can find more information on our website.
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